If you have any queries about volunteering for The T.E.A. Project please email 'Christin' at:volunteer@theteaproject.org.
Set up a monthly standing order or give a one-off gift via your bank or building society by sending us an Email Request we will then send you our Charity Bank details.
Donating in this way ensures 100% of your donation goes directly to our projects.
Completing and returning the available Gift Aid form means The T.E.A. Project can claim an additional 25 % on your donation at no extra cost to yourself.
We will keep you updated on the work and impact that your donation has enabled so you can continue to appreciate the real benefit.
The Government operates a scheme called Gift Aid that allows charities to claim the basic rate tax on every pound donated. So if you donated £100 to The T.E.A.. Project, it means that you’ll actually be giving us at least £125.
Giving under Gift Aid means that so much more money can be raised at no extra cost to our donors.
To ensure that the Gift Aid claim is valid, meaning we can claim the money back, it’s vitally important that all the information asked for on the Gift Aid Declaration Form is provided.
A gift of £10 provides vital T.E.A.-Training materials, £30 funds one fully staffed equipped day of L.I.F.E. Training and £100 allows The T.E.A. Project to employ a local Project Worker full time.
We are a grass roots charity doing some big work. Every penny is felt. Your donation is vital to that success.
"Thank You - You make The T.E.A. Project possible"
If you have any queries about volunteering for The T.E.A. Project please email 'Christin' at:volunteer@theteaproject.org.